
Matching exercise

Concordances show how words are actually used in many different sentences. If you want to check on the use of words in this way, a useful website is:

Here are two examples, for the noun ‘scheme’ and the verb ‘wind’. Match the beginnings and end of the sentences.
Why set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme? Schemes usually start when the ___
So, you will be eligible for the discount scheme if you have a British Rail season ___
Full details of how this scheme works are available on request from ___
This indicates the expiry date of your present scheme, along with the motor ___
The Government's Employment Training Scheme had a much greater ___
Tom has been supporting a scheme to breed threatened ___
Simon wasn't told at first about a bonus scheme worth a potential ___
Last year a more elaborate scheme was developed, ___
A pleasant way to wind __________ is to relax in a mineral pool.
As you wind __________ from the mountain, you see some stunning views.
The whole trip is expected to wind ________ Max a lot more than he thought.
Caroline was afraid that if she waited, she would wind _______.