Unit 2 / Listening 2B

Hello? Caroline?
Tom! Where are you?
I'm in Dublin . I'm about to take a plane to Cardiff .
Cardiff ? Aren't you coming back to London ?
Not straightaway. I've got to go to Los Angeles afterwards.
Los Angeles ? What for?
Ben Griffiths has disappeared. I've got to look for him.
But you're not a detective! Why are you getting involved in work like that?
Max thinks I'm the man for the job. I don't know why. But Ben may be in danger and we have to find him quickly.
Danger? What sort of danger?
He was investigating the death of a woman called Judy Faringdon. She made an appointment to see him before she died, but then committed suicide. Or that's the official version anyway. Ben doesn't believe it and he decided to find out the truth. But he hasn't been in his flat for several days. Or at least he's not answering the phone.
Perhaps he's just gone away. From my experience of them, that's something that journalists do quite frequently.
Well, Max wants me to look for him, anyway. And I agreed to have a try.
And why does that involve going to Cardiff ?
I'm looking for someone to go with me. Simon's in Siberia and he won't be back for several days. So I'm going to meet Jenny Watkins. She's a media agent. I'm going to see who she's got on her files.
Well, if you're going to Wales … Do you know what, Tom?
I'm going there myself on Saturday. I've booked an appointment with Johnathan Wickley, the estate agent, to see the house by the river.
Oh, really?
I've been thinking about our conversation the other day. And it occurred to me that we don't seem to have the same priorities any more. I know it's difficult when both of us have a career, but even so… We seem to be seeing less and less of each other these days. So I thought if we buy that house, we could go there at weekends. It could be a place to relax together, find a little time for each other instead of always rushing off to meet the next deadline. What do you think?
A weekend place… Mmm, could be nice, yes. But I thought you said you actually wanted to live there.
That's what I thought originally. But I think I was just a bit fed up with London when I said that – the crowds, the pace, the pressure which never stops – but you're probably right, it wouldn't be terribly practical. But as a weekend place, though, it would be ideal, don't you think?
Mmm, yes, the idea sounds quite attractive, certainly.
Is that all? Quite attractive? You don't sound very enthusiastic.
No, no, I mean I think it's a wonderful idea! Perfect!
All right, Tom, you can save your enthusiasm for later. But why don't we meet up there? We can visit it together and talk about things.
Well, I'll have to see if it's possible. It depends on how things develop from here.
You'll have to see if what's possible? Meeting in Wales or our relationship?
Meeting in Wales of course! What do you mean? Do you think I'm having doubts about our relationship?
Oh no. It suits you fine, I'm sure. I just think you haven't even noticed that we don't seem to have a relationship any more.
Well, of course, we could see more of each other, I admit. But you know what they say – absence makes the heart grow fonder. And it's absolutely true, Caroline. I thin, of you so much when I'm away.
But that's such a weird basis for a relationship, Tom! To deliberately stay away from someone in order to pretend to yourself that you're in love with them. It's as if you're scared that if we spend more time together, I'd start getting on your nerves.
Of course not, Caroline! I don't deliberately stay away from you. And neither do I pretend that I'm in love with you. I really am! This is exceptional. I mean, obviously finding Ben is fairly urgent.
I'm not saying it isn't, Tom. But everyone has to fix priorities in life, and if you think looking for a journalist who's probably just gone off sightseeing is more important than building a future with me, then it says a lot about the way you've decided to fix yours.
Caroline, that's hardly fair! I'm only doing this because Max –
If you ever change your mind about the urgent things in your life, let me know.
Yes, well I don't think –
Bye, Tom.