Unit 3 / Listening 2B

Simon: Caroline? It's Simon.
Caroline: Hi, Simon, how are you? And more to the point, where are you? I heard that message you left on the answer phone. You're not still stuck in Siberia , are you?
Simon: No, thank heavens. I've managed to get back to Moscow . All in one piece, just about, though the flight was pretty scary, I can tell you. Is Tom there?
Caroline: I'm afraid he's not; do you want me to pass on a message?
Simon: I was just going to see if we could arrange to go for a drink.
Caroline: Sorry, only me.
Simon: How are you anyway?
Caroline: Good. Well, things could be better.
Simon: Oh really?
Caroline: Yeah, things between me and Tom, I mean.
Simon: Are you sure you want me to be your shoulder to cry on? I'm not much use at making my own relationships work, let alone other people's.
Caroline: I'm not looking for a shoulder to cry on – a sympathetic ear will do fine.
Simon: Well, I can manage that, I hope.
Caroline: Everything's fine in a way – I mean we get on well enough when we see each other – it's just that we hardly ever do. He's always on the other side of the world and every time I mention it I feel like a dreadful bore. I don't want to prevent him doing what he enjoys, I'd just like us to spend a bit more time together.
Simon: Well, you know, getting Tom to think about settling down was never going to be easy.
Caroline: I know, but I'm starting to feel more and more resentful towards his work; it's like his mistress! We don't share anything of each others' lives. It makes me irritable every time I think of it. I'm sure Tom thinks I'm getting in his way, or making unreasonable demands, but honestly I really feel like giving him an ultimatum – either me or his work – but I suppose I'm scared of what he'll say. What do you think?
Simon: I think he might not say anything. You know what Tom's like – very brave in some circumstances, but he tends to avoid conflict if he can.
Caroline: That's true enough. He'll slide out of it if he's given half a chance. Listen, why don't you come round when you get back? There's no knowing if Tom will be here or not, but if he isn't, we could just have a chat. What do you say?
Simon: Sounds great. I'll ring to confirm but I don't have any other plans apart from recovering from this trip. We can go for a drink somewhere.
Caroline: Lovely! I'll look forward to hearing from you. And don't worry – it isn't just Tom I want to talk about. I've got an idea I'd like to put to you – a business idea, that is.
Simon: Sounds interesting. I'm impatient to hear it.
Caroline: I'll wait for your call. Have a good flight back from Moscow .
Simon: It can't be worse than the one from Siberia . Bye.
Caroline: Bye.