Unit 4 / Listening 4B

Tom: Hello?
Voice: Yes?
Tom: Is that the Blue Monkey?
Voice: Yes.
Tom: My name's Tom Hunter. I have an appointment with someone at your café. Gina Thompson. Would it be possible to tell her I'll be late?
Voice: Sure. What does she look like?
Tom: She's English, she's pretty, she's… um…
Voice: This place is packed with pretty ladies. This English one – is she dressed in the Union Jack?
Tom: She's wearing a trouser suit, a green one. She's tall, she's got dark hair.
Voice: Yeh, I see. She's a friend of Jill's.
Tom: Jill?
Voice: Jill and Tony. They run the café.
Tom: Yes, that's right. I think they were at college together.
The Blue Monkey Café
Gina: Tom! I'm over here!
Tom: Gina! I'm so happy to see you. What a day! I'm exhausted!
Gina: You look as if you need a drink. They serve great margaritas here.
Tom: Good. That's what I need. Something nice and cool to relax with.
Gina: What happened, Tom? Did you go to Judy's flat?
Tom: Oh yes, but then I had a bit of time so I decided to take a walk, and I got lost, and there were no cabs and… Well, it's a long story. And then I went to check my e-mail and Caroline hasn't written since I left.
Gina: Caroline?
Tom: Yes. My girlfriend.
Gina: Oh… You mean girlfriend like… steady girlfriend?
Tom: Yes. I think two and a half years is steady, isn't it?
Gina: Oh yes. Definitely.
Tom: Well, actually we're having some problems. I'm always travelling, so it's hard for us to be together. Caroline hates travelling. She wants me to stay in England and work in an office like everyone else. Or at least settle down. Buy a house in Wales maybe.
Gina: An office? I don't think an office is the right place for you, Tom.
Tom: Well, yes. That's why I'm always travelling, I suppose. To avoid working in an office.
Gina: I worked in an office once. I didn't exactly hate it, but I felt there was much more to life than answering the phone and dealing with paperwork. I stayed for six months. And I said to myself – never again!
Tom: Well, you know, I'm glad you decided that, Gina. You're a pleasant person to work with. (silence) So! What have you found out? Are you a model now?
Gina: I'm afraid not. I didn't even see Mr. Foley.
Tom: Why not? Didn't you discover anything? I mean, why did Ben write the Beautiful Babes phone number and the initials J.F. on the same paper? Do you think there's no connection?
Gina: I didn't see Mr Foley, but I definitely think there's a connection. The receptionist said Mr. Foley had to make an “unexpected trip”. Urgent business, she said. I asked where but of course she said it was none of my business. But when she went to receive a fax, I looked in her diary and guess what it said? Foley to Dominica !
Tom: That's amazing, Gina. Because do you know what I discovered from Judy Faringdon's neighbours? Judy was married to a man called Michael Faringdon. But they divorced five months ago. And after the divorce, Michael left Los Angeles with his daughter Jessica and went to live in Australia ! He works as a property developer there. But when I phoned his office, his secretary said he was on holiday – in Dominica !
Gina: Tom, this is weird. We're definitely onto something. We have to go to Dominica , Tom! Now!
Tom: Is tomorrow morning all right? I mean, I think we have time for another margarita. And maybe some dinner? I'm starving!