Unit 5 / Listening 3B

Tom: Hello Caroline!
Caroline: Tom! Where are you?
Tom: Caroline, don't worry. We're still in Dominica but we'll be flying to Britain this evening.
Caroline: What's happening Tom?
Tom: We've found some new clues and we want to visit the headquarters of Beautiful Babes in Edinburgh . We were speaking with Michael Faringdon, Judy Faringdon's husband and he said that she made a mysterious trip there at the beginning of her pregnancy. Michael was crying and very emotional about the whole affair. Gina and I will find the truth in Scotland , I'm sure.
Caroline: Tom, you're speaking as if you were a detective! What on earth are you doing?
Tom: Well, I wouldn't say I'm as good as Sherlock Holmes yet, but I'm certainly looking for clues.
Caroline: I preferred you as an explorer, quite frankly! I think if it weren't for that woman Gina, you'd be home right now!
Tom: I will be home very soon, you know. I'm just a flight away. Rather a long one, but I should be back at… let me see… well, local time – um, GMT, um – I'd say about… Oh dear, I can't figure it out, we've been travelling so long, I'm sure I'm permanently jetlagged. Anyway, we'll have time to talk about me when I get back. What about you? How are you? I'm dying to see you, Caroline.
Caroline: Dying to see me? Well, let me be the judge of that when you get back. Not quite as dying, I'm sure, as you are to be with your new photographer. I almost told Simon to start looking for a new partner, but I think I'll let you do that.
Tom: Simon? Is he back from Siberia ?
Caroline: He got back yesterday.
Tom: What was his trip like? Did he say? From the mail he sent me, I gather it was pretty horrible.
Caroline: He sounded thoroughly fed up. But he didn't go into detail. We talked a lot about a business idea I've had. I'll invite him for dinner if you want. You can talk about your different adventures. And why not Gina as well? I'll be able to meet her that way.
Tom: Yes, well… Certainly, dear, if you like.
Caroline: And I'll be able to tell her about the promise you made me.
Tom: Promise? What prom – ah! You mean the one about …
Caroline: Taking me for a holiday in Dominica . Yes. That one.
Tom: Well, that was a promise I still intend to keep. We haven't had time to see much of the island and I'd really love to come back here with you. Oh, that's the announcement for our flight. I'd better be going. I'll give you a ring when we arrive. Bye!