Unit 6 / Listening 2B

Tom: Well, it's great to be back.
Caroline: It's nice to have you back. It's only been a few days but it seems a lot longer.
Tom: To me too. I don't know how many miles we covered. It seems as if we were getting on and off planes every ten minutes. And it's not over yet. The day after tomorrow I'm off to Scotland .
Caroline: What?
Tom: We want to find out more about James Foley. His head office is in Edinburgh .
Caroline: Why don't you just read the newspapers? He's in the news every other day, saying this, doing that. You don't need to go to Edinburgh .
Tom: It's not what he says or does today that interests me. It's his past I want to know about. Did you know he dropped out of medical school?
Caroline: No, I didn't. But I can't see why that means you have to go to Edinburgh .
Tom: I'm looking for Ben, Caroline. I'm searching for clues, that's all. It may come to nothing, but it's worth going there to find out.
Caroline: On your own?
Tom: Sorry?
Caroline: Are you going there on your own?
Tom: Um…no. My assistant will probably be there to help.
Caroline: Your assistant? You mean Gina?
Tom: Yes, that's right.
Caroline: What's she like?
Tom: Oh… She's quite efficient.
Caroline: I mean what does she look like? And her personality. Is she calm? Is she funny? Does she talk a lot? Does she get on your nerves? Do you like her?
Tom: She's nice enough… Hey, Caroline, are you getting jealous?
Caroline: I think I have every reason to be jealous, don't you?
Tom: You have no reason to be jealous, Caroline. Listen, let's not argue. I'm only back for a couple of nights. Let's go out. Are there any good films on?
Caroline: I'm sorry, Tom. It's just that I can't help feeling that you're slipping away from me.
Tom: Don't be silly now. Of course not. Listen, I'm just going to have another look at my e-mail and then we'll go out, OK?