Unit 8 / Listening 2B

Tom: Phew, I feel shattered. Another sleepless flight! Is it ten in the morning or ten at night? Does the world still turn in the same direction or does the sun rise in the west now? Aren't you exhausted, Gina? You look as fresh as a daisy.
Gina: I've felt better, I must admit, but curiosity is keeping me on my toes!
Tom: I had a really weird dream.
Gina: What was it about?
Tom: Actually it was more like a nightmare. Caroline was commanding an army, but all the soldiers were babies. And their uniforms were made of dollar bills.
Gina: Oh dear.
Tom: And they were trying to recruit me into the army...I can't remember the rest.
Gina: It doesn't take a psychoanalyst to interpret that!
Tom: Ever since she's been talking about this new idea of hers, I've been really thinking about the future.
Gina: How do you feel about going into business with her? You certainly don't sound too keen.
Tom: It's not that I don't feel ready to settle down. I think it's the idea of settling down with Caroline that scares me.
Gina: You really need to sort things out with Caroline; everything you just said, you should be saying to her not me. You should work out why you can talk to me and why you can't talk to her. In the meantime, maybe some fresh air and a strong coffee will do you some good. Let's go and find out what Mr and Mrs Fenster have to say about this file……