Unit 8 / Listening 5B

Gina: Isn't it amazing the secrets people live with? Imagine if the secret comes out about Gemma's background.
Tom: What I found more worrying was their attitude to her I.Q. tests. They said they were expecting “a better return on their investment”.
Gina: You're right, that's a funny way of talking about your child.
Tom: I guess it's indicative of the mindset of these parents. Children aren't a mere responsibility anymore. They're a commodity that should yield a return in the future.
Gina: So what's next?
Tom: Well, we've got to get to the bottom of all this before it gets completely out of hand, but first, I think we had better let Max know we're safe and tell him of our latest findings.
Gina: Good idea. Let's find a hotel, check our mail and then rest for a while. I didn't realise it when we landed, but you're right, I'm exhausted.
Tom: Me too.