Unit 8 / Reading 1

It's 5 am local time and Ben's just been in touch with me from Australia. He's alive, but he's been kidnapped and he doesn't know where he is. He's in some sort of hut in the middle of the desert. His guard forgot to shut the door at lunchtime and he got out and phoned me, but he was caught in the middle of the conversation. Next to the phone was a piece of paper with a phone number on it, and he was able to give me the number before he got caught. I checked it out – it's the number of the Beautiful Babes health and beauty farm in Australia, about ninety minutes drive north west of Sydney. My guess is that Ben can't be far away from there. He's been there for several days, he says. He went to Australia because after meeting Michael Faringdon in Dominica he was approached in Roseau by a BB representative who took him out to a yacht, where he spoke with James Foley. Foley invited him to Australia , saying he could show Ben proof that his suspicions were groundless. But shortly after arriving in Sydney , he was kidnapped. Two men grabbed him and pushed him into a car and drove off, and as soon as they got out of town they blindfolded him. He thinks they drove for a couple of hours at least, but he has no idea in which direction. He's been reasonably well treated, but he senses his guards are getting more and more nervous. He didn't have time to say goodbye – I heard him being overpowered.
Tom, I want you and Gina to get there as soon as possible. I've already alerted the police in Sydney and asked them to rescue Ben, but I was taking a risk in doing so. If his captors see police in uniforms all over the place, Ben could be in serious danger. I don't know how far I can trust the police to handle it sensibly, but time is of the essence, and I hope that by the time you arrive, they will have retrieved Ben safe and sound. Take no unnecessary risks yourselves, whatever you do. Ben says his guards are armed, and look ready to use their weapons at a moment's notice. As soon as you get to Sydney, go straight to the police to see if they've found Ben. Then phone me before you do anything else. I don't want you two getting into trouble as well.
Best of luck,