Unit 9 / Listening 3B

Gina and Tom have been driving for almost five hours…
Gina: I think we're lost. I knew Australia was vast, but now I'm beginning to see that for myself. How long have we been driving?
Tom: Getting on for five hours now. Mind you, we'd have probably arrived by now if I hadn't taken a wrong turn on the way out of Sydney. It wasn't very bright for someone who calls himself an explorer.
Gina: Oh, I think you can blame your navigator for that. I hadn't even bothered to look at the map.
Tom: Well, let's say the fault lies with both of us. Talking too much and not paying attention. But I'm sure we must be close now. In fact… What's that over there?
Gina: Oh yes, there's a sign! That could be it. Like an oasis in the middle of nowhere! Yes, this is it. Beautiful Babes Health Farm. Three hundred yards on the left. Wow, it's amazing!
Tom: It's a fabulous spot. Calmly inspiring, I'd say. As you say it feels a bit like an oasis. I suppose that's how they wanted it to feel – and I think they've succeeded actually, though at a considerable price. Only the well-off can afford to lose weight out here.
Gina: They pay more to eat less. They have perfect bodies and even more perfect babies.
Tom: I'm not sure that our initial plan is going to work.
Gina: You mean pretending to be clients booking in? It's true that we don't exactly look like millionaires.
Tom: I think they'll spot us a mile away… What shall we do?
Gina: We could try and sneak our way in. But it won't be easy. I saw some guards with some ferocious looking dogs back there. Maybe we can climb over that wall there. But once we're inside, we'll have to find Ben. This place is huge!
Tom: I think he'll be hidden away from the other guests for security reasons, and I'm sure he'll be under lock and key so I reckon we're looking for a small outhouse or something like that.
Gina: Look! Do you see that car over there that's just arrived?
Tom: The one two men just got out of?
Gina: Yes. They went into the clubhouse, but there's another man inside the car. He looks as if he's trying to catch our attention.
Tom: It's Ben! He must be locked in the car!
Gina: No, look! He's getting out. But his hands and feet are tied.
Tom: He ought to sit still. We're right in the middle of the car park. Someone's bound to spot him.
Gina: He's trying to come our way! But he's having trouble walking.
Tom: OK, we'll have to go and help him. Let's make a run for it. Ready? … Now!