Unit 9 / Listening 4B

Ben: That was amazing! I didn't expect to see you here so soon after I phoned!
Tom: We were in Vancouver. We got on the first plane as soon as we read Max's e-mail. And then on arriving we went straight to the police.
Ben: Yes, Max said he'd tell the police. I wasn't sure if that was wise. How did they react?
Tom: They told us they came out here and asked about you and nobody knew anything. So they went back. That was all they were prepared to do.
Ben: Very helpful. But perhaps it's true that the people they spoke to didn't know anything. The only people I've seen are those two guys that got out of the car back there. Did you get a good look at them?
Gina: We didn't pay much attention. We were discussing our plan of action.
Tom: Where did they keep you? Nearby?
Ben: No, we drove for about half an hour to get to the health farm. But I was blindfolded again, so we may have been going round in circles.
Tom: And that was the first time you'd been to the health farm?
Ben: It was the first time I'd set eyes on it. I thought they were taking me to see Foley. But they just got out of the car and left me. And when I looked around, there you were. I could hardly believe my eyes. To be honest I'm amazed you found me this fast!
Gina: Well we've certainly been kept on our toes.
Tom: Yes, we found out a lot about Beautiful Babes in the process but there were times we thought we were getting no closer to you.
Ben: So now all three of us know more about Beautiful Babes than they would like us to. What exactly did you find?
Gina: We found out about a doctor by the name of Freedman. He works in London and was the consultant for a couple we visited in Canada, the Fensters. They went to him for advice about a rare genetic disorder.
Tom: And he offered them an operation whereby they could improve the chances of their child physically and intellectually.
Ben: Fenster… The name rings a bell. That's right, it was on a list of client names and addresses that I found in the Beautiful Babes branch in L.A. I went there with a friend of mine from the police after Judy Faringdon's death, and managed to hunt around a bit while he asked them a few questions. When I checked the names on the list, it struck me as odd that they all had young children – motherhood and modelling don't usually go together. Then when I spoke to Michael Faringdon in Dominica and he told me about the payments Judy had made to Beautiful Babes, I started checking the other names on the list. Several of them had made appointments with Jason Freedman in Harley Street , and since I knew of Freedman's work with Gruninger, my suspicions grew. I spoke to Dr Grabber, the child psychologist Judy took her daughter to see, and he said she'd referred several times to a ‘special treatment' she'd received to make her daughter intelligent. Dr Grabber thought she was just a bit nutty, but to me it all started to tie together. And that's about as far as I got before I was kidnapped.
Gina: I can't believe they kidnapped you! What were they hoping for? They must have known you'd talk as soon as you got out.
Tom: If he got out. They are a very powerful company with a lot at stake if this story gets out. If they're prepared to kidnap journalists, they'll obviously stop at nothing.
Ben: God knows what would have happened if you hadn't rescued me. It doesn't bear thinking about.
Gina: So what else did you find out, Ben? Max said you actually spoke to Foley on his yacht.
Ben: Yes, he invited me to dinner. And a fabulous meal it was, too. But he's a slippery fish, and I wasn't able to get much out of him, except an admission that his ambition was to 'design the future'. When I asked him what he meant by that, he suggested I fly to Sydney , where he could show me what he had in mind and prove to me that my suspicions were groundless.
Tom: With our combined evidence, I should say we've got enough to get Scotland Yard interested. There are no doubt a lot more details to fill in, but from here on it's a matter for the police to handle.
Gina: We must move quickly, though, and carefully. They know they only have a limited amount of time to stop us.
Ben: The first priority is to get to a computer and write to Max. As soon as he knows I'm safe, he'll take the story to the police. Then I think we ought to get on the first flight we can.
Tom: There's a computer back at the hotel we're staying at.
Gina: Tom?
Tom: Yes?
Gina: I've just had a thought… They were very careless, don't you think? First they left the door to Ben's room open so he was able to get out and phone. Then they left the car door open, which allowed him to escape.
Tom: Yes, that is very careless, isn't it?... Er… what are you suggesting? That it was deliberate?
Gina: They may have allowed it to happen in order to tempt us into coming to get him.
Ben: Have you been followed at any time?
Tom: Not that we were ever aware of. And we're not being followed now. I've been keeping a very close eye in the mirror.
Ben: But Gina's right. It was a bit too easy. That's a bit suspicious to me.
Tom: No, I don't think they've been following us. We've been moving around so much, they would have found it difficult. But if what you're saying is right, then they didn't need to follow us. All they had to do was wait until we arrived.
Ben: When you got out of the car back there to untie me, they could have put a tracking device on this car. They could be watching our progress on a screen.
Gina: And they've got all three of us now. Out in the open. Together in one confined space.
Tom: OK, you've got me worried. What do we do?
Ben: They might even be able to hear us talking if they put a long range microphone in the car.
Tom: Oh shit… Um… (silence)
Gina: Nice day, isn't it?
Tom: Wonderful. It does get chilly at nights though, doesn't it?
Ben: I heard there were a few showers on the way.
Gina: Really? I heard it was going to be fine.
Ben: For the next couple of days, I think, but after that, showers.
Tom: In four or five days, you mean? Is the forecast reliable that far ahead?
Ben: They say it's about 70% reliable over four days, but I'm not sure what –
Gina: Tom! There's a car behind!
Ben: Oh no! We're being followed! Can't you go any faster?
Tom: No! I don't think the average car rental client wants to drive at 130 miles per hour!
Gina: They're gaining on us! Quick!
Tom: Oh! Now we're really in trouble! Look at that lorry in the middle of the road!
Gina: And it's heading for us……aghhhhhhhhhh!
Ben: Tom, do you see that dust track ahead on the right?
Tom: Yes, I know exactly what you have in mind…..!
Gina: What?!
Tom: Hold on tight folks! We're going for a seriously sharp right hand turn….
Screeching tyre noise .
Tom: Damn! Didn't make it. Are you O.K.?
Ben and Gina: Yes.
Tom: That's good because it doesn't look like they're going to give up! Quick!
We'll have to make a run for it.
Gina: Over there! There are some trees; we might be able to hide.
Ben: Good thinking Gina! Come on!
Gunfire sounds.
Tom: Keep running. I think I can see a road ahead
Ben: Yes! If we can make it there maybe we can hitch a lift.
More gunfire
Gina: They're not letting up. Oh, I see a van coming. Let's try to stop it. Help! Stop! Please! Help!